- He cites several examples to back up his argument .
- 他引用了几个例子来支持自己的观点。
- You should back up your data often .
- 你应该经常备份你的数据。
- You may stumble a little but get back up and keep moving .
- 你可能会有些跌撞撞,但是,起来继续向前。
- His redness got my back up .
- 他的无礼使我极为生气。
- And there is some evidence they could use to back up this assertion . One country exempt from the rankings is america itself .
- 仍有一些证据可以证明这个论断,那就是名单上有一个国家逃离了这种现象,就是美国它自己。
- Back up and restore regularly .
- 制定有规律的备份和恢复计划。
- Bear did nothing to back up the second fund .
- 贝尔斯登没有采取任何行动支持另一支基金。
- Wise has plenty of evidence to back up his thesis .
- 怀斯列举了很多证据以支持自己的论点。
- Senior administration officials back up the president .
- 美国政府高级官员们都支持总统。
- Wsj 's katie boehret provides a guide to new services from cellphone carriers that allow users to back up their contacts .
- wsj'skatieboehret从移动运营商提供了一个新的业务说明,该业务允许用户备份他们所有的联系电话号簿。